Express Yourself Interrupting
You may need to say something when somebody else is speaking, or you may be chairing a discussion where you have to stop one person talking too much. If you start talking at the same time as someone else, this will seem rude. To interrupt politely, you can say, for example:
Sorry to interrupt, but I have to disagree with that.
Could I just say something here?
If I could, let me stop you there for a moment and go back to your previous point.
Actually, we seem to have strayed a bit from the topic. Can we go back to the first point?
Just a moment, Sue. Can we hear what Jack has to say on this?
May I interrupt you there? I don't think that's true.
I’m sorry, but we’re running short on time. Can you please summarize very quickly so we can finish up?
I appreciate your enthusiasm on this topic, but I’m afraid we have a couple more people to hear from.
Could you two please discuss that issue privately after the meeting? We have several more items to cover and need to move on at this point.
I’m sorry, I really have to stop you there. We've run out of time.
Let’s save that conversation for another time.